Master Level Resume, CV, Portfolio, Writing and Editing
Getting your resume and cover letter past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and in the hands of the hiring manager is one thing. However, getting your resume and CV to propel you to the front of the applicant line is SOMETHING ELSE all together. As a team of Certified Resume Writers©, we have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results with all of our clients we partner with. EVERY WORD MATTERS within you resume, CV and career portfolio. when it comes to your resume as well as cover letter.
Our consultative approach differentiates us from any other resume writing service. We have an individualized and customized resume writing process which includes multiple touch-points and allows you to create more than one version of your resume with no additional cost. Many candidates are pursuing multiple career opportunities is and want the flexibility to have a resume and cover letter that is easy to pivot when needed for a timely opportunity. Regardless of where you are in your career: college student intern, recent college graduate, early/mid/late career change, same organization role change, re-entry into the workforce, military transition….it does not matter, we have decades of experience and have done it all, at a very high level with proven results!
Resume Writing By the Numbers
A study conducted by the jobs site CareerBuilder in 2018 found that 58% of resumes contained spelling mistakes.
In the 2018 survey, 37% of managers said that a single spelling mistake would rule out a candidate.
Recruiters reject resumes for many reasons but 45% of the time rejection is for not having a cover letter.
The Applicant Tracking System blocks 75% of resumes for not having the key words/phrases in the resume.


New Job (Outdated) Resume
The most common resume we write and clients seek our partnership is for the professional that simply hasn't ever had or hasn't updated their resume in years. They are rich in experience and skillsets but have no clear strategy on putting it to paper ensuring they get past the ATS and to the front of the applicant pool. WE CAN ASSIST YOU!!

Career Change Resume
One of the most common professional resumes our team partner's with clients on is the career change resume. Ensuring your skills and experiences are correctly written and are "transferrable" using the correct industry language, phrases and word choice is paramount to creating a powerful resume.

Back-to-Work Resume
Becoming more and more common for professionals and individuals to take breaks or exit and then reenter into the workplace and their career. Back-to-Work resumes have specific and critically important comments that must be incorporated to increase your wirability.

College Grad / First Resume
The young professional job market is arguably the most competitive it's ever been. Without an EXCEPTIONAL resume, candidates are lucky to even get an email response after applying. We have all the tools, tricks and experience to make this resume stand out and make an immediate impact on the reader. We have an entire collegiate platform of services that specifically cater to the needs of the young professional.

Government / Military Resume
If you work in the private sector you know exactly what we mean we a government resume is a different ballgame. We have highly experienced team members who have written government and military resumes for decades. We also offer military discount pricing. Contact us now to hear more about your specific needs.

Same Organizational Resume
Lots of employees and professionals have been with the same organization for a many years and are aligned for a promotion or new role within the company. An internal resume that fully captures all of your skills and contributions to the organization while highlighting your leadership and behavior skills are critical to elevate your internal brand.

Propel your resume past the ATS and to the front of the candidate pool!
Our 4-step process allows us to individually customize your resume based on your career transition needs. WE DELIVER STRONG RESULTS using this process.
Initial Discovery Session to create a resume strategy that is aligned to your individual career needs
Review of 1st Draft together ensuring the needed content additional suggestions are incorporated to the final resume edit
Review of 2nd Draft together ensuring final edits will be incorporated and discuss/determine the best type of cover letter to accompany the resume
Final Edits & Delivery of the finalized version in Word and PDF as well as 3 cover letters for every client
Request A Custom Pricing Package for a Resume/CV/Portfolio
Contact us now and learn more about our custom resume packages which includes only the services your career transition needs. We offer an extremely competitive pricing model that includes bundled service packaging, money-back guarantee and a friendly referral program.